Lifestyle, Marketing, Travel, Financial Craft House Consulting Lifestyle, Marketing, Travel, Financial Craft House Consulting

Adding value by offering exclusive, but low cost offers

While Regus's Golden Circle is in fact created for their most valued guests, it's a program that anyone and everyone can join - for free - by clicking here. Either way, the tactic is smart. Regus offers free, but seemingly exclusive offers and Regus clients then join the free program and start staying at Shang hotels where they'll get member benefits. It's a win-win-win.

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Concepts, Lifestyle, Sustainability Craft House Consulting Concepts, Lifestyle, Sustainability Craft House Consulting

Prepackaged ice - an unnecessary luxury that feeds egos and landfills

Even in developed countries where the tap water is perfectly safe to drink like Hong Kong, we came across pre-packaged ice cubes made from spring water imported from New Zealand into local supermarkets. If the public isn’t foolish enough about avoiding tap water (we drink it when we can), this is definitely feeding into their paranoia.

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Sustainability Craft House Consulting Sustainability Craft House Consulting

HOTELS - In the Green

Yvette Jong, Founder and Director of Craft House, was interviewed by HOTELS, the magazine of the worldwide hotel industry, on the topic of sustainable practices in hotels across the world.

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