China is the new Texas, but who cares?
China loves its superlatives. Everything now has to be the biggest, fastest or tallest. But really, who cares?
The good, the bad and the ugly of green certification
With the growing number of certifications is the growing list of uncertainties.
The nuances of carbon footprinting for hotels
Being proactive and measuring your hotel’s carbon footprint in one form or another is commendable. But regardless of how you measure it, who you do it for or why you do it at all, be transparent about your methodology and overall CSR strategy. Written clearly and concisely, a CSR report can speak volumes.
Work, holidays and our green office space
When people ask us what we love about working in the hotel industry we tell them that work is always our holiday, and holidays are always our work. So when we started our own company last year, we realized we should do what we could to avoid the traditional work environment. After all, there's nothing "holiday" about a cubicle or office desk with fluorescent lighting.
Hotels banning shark fin set the bar
If Asian hotel brands can do without shark fin, can't the Hyatts and Sheratons out there do the same?
My 2012 outlook on ‘glocalization’ in Asia
With a new hotel opening every day, how can international brands utilize "glocalization" to beat and differentiate themselves from their competition in foreign markets?
Brilliant use of social media by independent hotels
The use of social media by hotels is becoming commonplace, but while large hotel chains take their time thinking about strategies and best practices, independent hotel operators are taking great strides to creatively and effectively communicate with their guests.
Cycle-in Cinema, great participatory cinema!
I thought the Rooftop Cinema in HK was fun participatory cinema until I heard about the Cycle-in Cinema! On December 2 and 3, 2012, Magnificent Revolution is featuring a portable pedal powered cinema system at Detour, an offshoot of Business of Design Week, and is inviting the public to participate.
Responsible Hotels - Interview
Interview with Yvette Jong, Sustainable Tourism expert on China, Sustainability and Change
by Responsible Hotels Team, Carlos Buj
From the customer journey to the employee journey
When the option to choose where you can work is increasing, it’s no longer about a hiring experienced managers and employees to operate the hotel.It’s now about ensuring employee values are aligned with those of your brand, and ensuring that the employer-employee dynamic is carefully managed to build strategic and long-term relationships.
Hotel matchbooks will be a thing of the past...
Matchbooks will soon be a thing of the past so you can imagine how excited I was to find vintage matchbooks at a junk shop in Hong Kong on Cat Street! With original logos predating me from the 50s and 60s, even I had trouble identifying some of the hotel brands.