Hotels banning shark fin set the bar
If Asian hotel brands can do without shark fin, can't the Hyatts and Sheratons out there do the same?
Responsible Hotels - Interview
Interview with Yvette Jong, Sustainable Tourism expert on China, Sustainability and Change
by Responsible Hotels Team, Carlos Buj
From the customer journey to the employee journey
When the option to choose where you can work is increasing, it’s no longer about a hiring experienced managers and employees to operate the hotel.It’s now about ensuring employee values are aligned with those of your brand, and ensuring that the employer-employee dynamic is carefully managed to build strategic and long-term relationships.
Clever and cheeky customer service tactics
After complaining about bad hotel service at the Honua Kai Resort and Spa, management sent me a certificate for 2 nights in a 2-bedroom suite. Brilliant. A voucher that I can't use.
It's high time we shift our focus in China
When will our industry realize that what this country really needs are well-designed, well-appointed, sweet, simple, and affordable brands?
Maldives announces mandate for solar energy
The Maldives are sinking, energy's a fortune and waste disposal is a major issue. At Climate Week NYC, the country's vice president announces a mandate that 60% of energy be produced by solar power in a bid to be carbon neutral by 2020.
WWF Publication - Business Case for Sustainable Hotels
How clear is the business case for hotels to become socially and environmentally sustainable and what factors are encouraging or discouraging this trend? The nine case studies written by Yvette Jong identify business drivers encouraging sustainable practices and impediments.