Unsustainable sustainability programs
Are short lived promotions that feature sustainability good, bad or ugly?
Who really wants to stay on a female floor?
Sure, I like a hotel that listens to my preferences, but when it starts assuming that I like girly magazines and pink-toned furniture because I'm a single female traveler, I have to think twice about how intuitive it actually is.
Pop-ups, food trucks & tacos
Popups: With ridiculously high rents, barriers of entry, loads of commercial spaces sitting half empty, and a market of expats who rarely eat in the same place twice in a month, it's the perfect environment to test the market, feed the frenzy and make some quick cash.
Work, holidays and our green office space
When people ask us what we love about working in the hotel industry we tell them that work is always our holiday, and holidays are always our work. So when we started our own company last year, we realized we should do what we could to avoid the traditional work environment. After all, there's nothing "holiday" about a cubicle or office desk with fluorescent lighting.
Cycle-in Cinema, great participatory cinema!
I thought the Rooftop Cinema in HK was fun participatory cinema until I heard about the Cycle-in Cinema! On December 2 and 3, 2012, Magnificent Revolution is featuring a portable pedal powered cinema system at Detour, an offshoot of Business of Design Week, and is inviting the public to participate.
My dad pioneered wine pairing with Chinese cuisine
Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong asked Twitter followers if they've had extraordinary culinary experiences pairing Chinese food with fine wines. We couldn't resist digging up this 1992 Zachys Gazette article about Sesin Jong, father of Craft House Founder and Director, Yvette Jong, from the archives.
Building better budget brands
Hotels, like any other real estate, are built to make money. And when you're talking about dollars per square foot or heads in beds, budget hotels are the way to go.
When rents skyrocket, adapt & make a statement
What do you do if prohibitive rent prices hold you back from opening a store? You open a pop-up. And what do you do when your landlords increase your rent by 250% to HK$7 million per month (US$900k per month) to let the likes of Abercrombie & Fitch in? You open a pop-up that makes a statement.
It's high time we shift our focus in China
When will our industry realize that what this country really needs are well-designed, well-appointed, sweet, simple, and affordable brands?
Kindles rule the beaches amongst savvy travelers
In an urban setting kindles and nooks may seem archaic (they certainly aren't as cool or trendy as iPads) but for travelers who want to read in the sun, these e-readers are the way to go. Get one and you'll be the envy of everyone on the beach.
Prepackaged ice - an unnecessary luxury that feeds egos and landfills
Even in developed countries where the tap water is perfectly safe to drink like Hong Kong, we came across pre-packaged ice cubes made from spring water imported from New Zealand into local supermarkets. If the public isn’t foolish enough about avoiding tap water (we drink it when we can), this is definitely feeding into their paranoia.
Group buying for private jets: a win-win situation
For most of us, the idea of hiring a private jet is completely foreign. But in a tight economy, Jetsuite, a private jet charter company, has started a host of promotions to make private jets more affordable to monetize otherwise empty seats
Hainan isn't an "international tourism destination"
In 2008, Hainan had more than 20 million Chinese visitors, but less than 1 million foreign visitors. Why are we so concerned about it being an 'international destination' when it can flourish with the domestic market alone?
Brilliant and innovative marketing strategies
At the ArtisTree Gallery in Hong Kong a multi-media exhibition on Gehry’s prominent works includes models and sketches from his archives dating back to the 70's. Quite strategically, the exhibit finishes off with a comprehensive display of the architect's design process for OPUS Hong Kong.