The coexistence of good and fast service
"In short, companies must bear in mind that ‘speed of service’ contains two critical elements: speed and service." Gallup Report
Silence is still the new luxury
Silence is the new luxury, and traveling in the low season helps make that happen. If I can avoid it, I don't think I'll ever visit a top destination during the peak season.
An insider's view of hotel development in Kenya
"Africa is probably to China what Asia was to the U.S. While the U.S. leveraged Asia's labor, China is leveraging Africa's commodities."
Nomad-Chic: Contributer
Craft House Founder and Director, Yvette Jong, contributes to, posting content on inspiration and travel from around the world. Follow her dispatch on where inspiration is destination!
What's the ROI on expensive branding or marketing strategies?
The most valuable asset a luxury hotel has is its brand and brand reputation. Investment in this asset is a long-term investment with a return over several years, not just one. So is an investment like this a wasted expense or a strategic capital investment?
New brands … for the sake of it?
As markets get saturated with all the brands under the sun, hotel management companies are developing new brands to cater to developers’ demands. Take an already cluttered brand architecture with existing brands that might have confused identities and positioning, and throw a few new ones in the pot. You get the idea.
Nomad-Chic: Dispatch from Bali
Craft House Founder and Director, Yvette Jong, contributes to, posting content on inspiration and travel from around the world. Follow her dispatch on where inspiration is destination!
My take on Peninsula's short film
The Peninsula Hotel short films, labeled as 'Peninsula Moments' moved me in the most unexpected way. In short — I cried. Am I crazy? Did I just cry from an advertisement?
Inside the minds of Millennials
If you're wondering what the good, the bad and the funky are of employing millennials, this post might give you some interesting insight. What can be viewed as negative behaviors might actually be some good queues on how some businesses will have to shift their workplace culture.
Is it possible to do well (financially) and do good (ethically)?
We've been recycling for a few decades now and it's amazing how passive people still are about reducing waste, resource use and their general impact on the environment. What many hotels and restaurants don't realize is that it takes very little to do well ethically while doing as good, if not better, financially.
Retaining Skilled Workers in the Philippines
Are young Filipino workers motivated by pay alone?Or might they also be motivated by other factors? Is there an opportunity to grow and succeed financially in the hospitality industry Without leaving their home country?