Building better budget brands
Hotels, like any other real estate, are built to make money. And when you're talking about dollars per square foot or heads in beds, budget hotels are the way to go.
It's high time we shift our focus in China
When will our industry realize that what this country really needs are well-designed, well-appointed, sweet, simple, and affordable brands?
Hainan isn't an "international tourism destination"
In 2008, Hainan had more than 20 million Chinese visitors, but less than 1 million foreign visitors. Why are we so concerned about it being an 'international destination' when it can flourish with the domestic market alone?
Brilliant and innovative marketing strategies
At the ArtisTree Gallery in Hong Kong a multi-media exhibition on Gehry’s prominent works includes models and sketches from his archives dating back to the 70's. Quite strategically, the exhibit finishes off with a comprehensive display of the architect's design process for OPUS Hong Kong.