Inside the minds of Millennials
If you're wondering what the good, the bad and the funky are of employing millennials, this post might give you some interesting insight. What can be viewed as negative behaviors might actually be some good queues on how some businesses will have to shift their workplace culture.
Is it possible to do well (financially) and do good (ethically)?
We've been recycling for a few decades now and it's amazing how passive people still are about reducing waste, resource use and their general impact on the environment. What many hotels and restaurants don't realize is that it takes very little to do well ethically while doing as good, if not better, financially.
iPads vs Galaxy Tablets in hotels
Which platform is appropriate for your brand? It depends on your market, your positioning, and your brand.
A city with public spaces is a happy city
Though few tourists stray far from Midtown, what lies farther south and across the river in Brooklyn continues to give me a whole new appreciation for this city I call home.
Unsustainable sustainability programs
Are short lived promotions that feature sustainability good, bad or ugly?
Instagram Me: Yvette Jong, TEDx Organizer
You’ve seen TEDx videos, but do you know what it takes to throw the event? From design meetings and connecting with friends to guerrilla marketing, Yvette Jong's day has a little bit of everything.
My thoughts on tourism trends
How people travel is changing and hotels and other destinations have to adapt their offering as such to attract and build long term loyalty. Here are our thoughts on trends moving forward - from staycations to Airbnb, food tourism to voluntourism.
Who really wants to stay on a female floor?
Sure, I like a hotel that listens to my preferences, but when it starts assuming that I like girly magazines and pink-toned furniture because I'm a single female traveler, I have to think twice about how intuitive it actually is.
Is silence the new luxury?
When developers are trying to outdo each other by spending more on design, services and amenities, I wonder 'Is silence the new luxury?'
When (not) to develop signature cocktails
A great signature cocktail is only great if you make great cocktails. Please don't attempt a signature cocktail menu if you need to work on mastering your classic cocktails first.
Dress codes do NOT equal well-dressed
If you're going to enforce a dress code to keep people well dressed, then arm your door with a fashionista, not a bouncer with spare Crocs.
Pop-ups, food trucks & tacos
Popups: With ridiculously high rents, barriers of entry, loads of commercial spaces sitting half empty, and a market of expats who rarely eat in the same place twice in a month, it's the perfect environment to test the market, feed the frenzy and make some quick cash.
Authentic versus ‘authentic’ experiences
Should old colonial buildings be restored into new hotels with butler service reminiscent of the English occupation? Should hotel employees start dressing in traditional gear and bowing to guests? I suppose that's what travelers want. Perhaps it's even what I wanted. But is it right?
The good, the bad and the ugly of green certification
With the growing number of certifications is the growing list of uncertainties.
Work, holidays and our green office space
When people ask us what we love about working in the hotel industry we tell them that work is always our holiday, and holidays are always our work. So when we started our own company last year, we realized we should do what we could to avoid the traditional work environment. After all, there's nothing "holiday" about a cubicle or office desk with fluorescent lighting.