New brands … for the sake of it?
As markets get saturated with all the brands under the sun, hotel management companies are developing new brands to cater to developers’ demands. Take an already cluttered brand architecture with existing brands that might have confused identities and positioning, and throw a few new ones in the pot. You get the idea.
China is the new Texas, but who cares?
China loves its superlatives. Everything now has to be the biggest, fastest or tallest. But really, who cares?
Responsible Hotels - Interview
Interview with Yvette Jong, Sustainable Tourism expert on China, Sustainability and Change
by Responsible Hotels Team, Carlos Buj
It's high time we shift our focus in China
When will our industry realize that what this country really needs are well-designed, well-appointed, sweet, simple, and affordable brands?
Hainan isn't an "international tourism destination"
In 2008, Hainan had more than 20 million Chinese visitors, but less than 1 million foreign visitors. Why are we so concerned about it being an 'international destination' when it can flourish with the domestic market alone?